The kindness of strangers



“You have two hands, one to help yourself, one to help others.”

Anyone who knows me, or reads my Happy Starfish blog, understands I get more than a teensy bit excited when I hear of pay it forward stories.

Yesterday I was a recipient of a random act of kindness which instilled such a warm and fuzzy feeling, it hasn’t worn off yet. Following my post stating my intention to want to write a novel I was touched to receive a gift of three books on novel writing, via amazon , from a fellow blogger. This was accompanied by a lovely note wishing me luck.

I don’t know this blogger (who wishes to remain anonymous), and living on the other side of the world I am unlikely to ever meet them, but am so grateful of their encouragement.

It would be easy to paint a bleak view of our world today, hate, crime and war appear to be everywhere. Many of us live in fear, stress and uncertainty, our anxieties fuelled by the media and drip fed with every bad news story circulated.  We can make a difference. We can create our own good news stories. I blogged last year about a kindness book we have in our kitchen to encourage our children to be mindful of things they can do for others, and there is always something we can do for others, however small.

Kindness is contagious – be a carrier.




8 thoughts on “The kindness of strangers

  1. That is so great! I love doing things like that blogger did. It makes me feel absolutely wonderful and I know the receiving person is always surprised and feeling unexpectedly amazing and thankful.

      • Letters are such a thing of the past as far as most people go. I love them, writing and receiving. I tell my granddaughters to write me even sending postcards, paper and stamps. Now, do you think they can get someone to mail them? Not very often.

      • Michael had a bunch of it hidden in box, he had forgotten about. It is hand made paper he bought years ago. The stuff I sent the girls was inexpensive. I have yet to use the good stuff.

  2. Pingback: Very Inspiring Blogger Award from Mrs. Cindy of A Slice of Life | ronovanwrites

  3. No criticism! I just wish the world was a bit more “kind”. Looking forward to reading that novel of yours. Kind regards, Andrew.

Thanks so much for reading!