Share your world – Week 4 2016



What one thing are you really glad you did yesterday?

Cleaning. It sounds boring, I know, but there’s nothing quite like snapping on a pair of marigolds and having a clean house for the weekend. (Or maybe I should get out more…)

Are you generally focused on today or tomorrow?

Being a mindfulness coach I have to say present moment all the way. I do plan for the future though. I’m quite structured.

Would you want a guardian angel/mentor? What would they tell you right now?

Yes please! They would tell me to have more faith in myself, or not to eat too many chocolate hob nobs. Perhaps both would be really good advice.

Would you rather live in a cave house or a dome house made out of glass?

Glass – I love natural light.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I am grateful for the much needed support of my friends this week. Next week? It’s an adventure and I’m looking forward to seeing what’s going to happen.


Share your world hosted courtesy of Cee’s Photography. Copy and paste the questions and fill in your own answers. Let’s get to know each other a little better.

Share your world 2015 – Week 50



Favourite thing to photograph? Write? Or Cook?

I love to write fiction. I write non-fiction for work and writing is always a pleasure but nothing tops creating a character you root for, laugh with and weep over.

Photograph – my kids. They’ve grown so quickly.

Cook – I like to experiment. I get bored of eating the same things. And cakes. Don’t forget the cakes.

Did you like swinging as a child? Do you still get excited when you see a swing? 

Yes! We had a swing in our garden, along with a see-saw, and I remember fighting with my sister over whose turn it was. (She won, she’s bigger). One of my favourite photos is me sitting on the swing while she stands behind me. We look so harmonious but I bet it didn’t last long. My cousin had a tyre swing in her garden which I loved, although I often fell off. If I see a swing now I can’t resist.

What has surprised you about blogging?

So many things. I started a blog 18 months ago with no idea what to write, if I could write. I’ve fallen in love with the blogging community – it’s so supportive. My writing has improved week by week thanks to all the helpful feedback I’ve received. I’m in the process of researching agents and publishers, looking for a good home for my recently finished first novel and have started writing my second.  I’m also self-publishing two flash fiction books next year. I don’t think I’d have got this far without you guys.

List at least five favorite desserts.

So tough. When I go out to dinner I always check out the dessert options first. Usually my lovely husband orders one he knows I’ll like so I have two!

  1. Eaton Mess
  2. Profiteroles
  3. Key Lime Pie
  4. Apple crumble and custard
  5. Trifle
  6. Hot chocolate fudge cake & vanilla ice cream.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I’m so grateful a friend is beta reading my manuscript again after I’ve added in a new subplot – I’ve got to the stage I can’t read it anymore!

I’m looking forward to some quality time with my family over Christmas.


Share your world – courtesy of Cee’s Photography. Answer the questions to join in.

Share your world – Week 49 2015



What would be your ideal birthday present, and why?

Time spent with all three of my boys. Now they’re growing/grown up it’s difficult to get everyone together.


What colour would you like your bedroom to be?

It’s currently turquoise and cream which I’m happy with. I love bold colours.


Would you prefer snowy winters, or not, and why? 

I love the look of the snow and ice but I don’t like driving in it.


Would you rather go a week without bathing, but be able to change your clothes, or a week without a change of clothes, but be able to bathe?

My first thought was urghhh, neither. My second, how lucky I am to have access to running water. There are so many people in the world who can’t wash themselves or their clothes without a long trek. So, I’m going to say, without complaint, either.


Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I’m grateful I’ve had lot of social events on this week, it’s been fun, but next week I’m looking forward to some quiet nights in – I’m exhausted!


Share your world – courtesy of Cee”s Photography.

Share your world 2015 – week 48

Each Monday Cee Neuner of Cee’s Photography asks four questions as a way for us to get to know each other. I hope you enjoy sharing my world.

Are you a hugger or a non-hugger?

A hugger with friends, with strangers not so much…

What is your favorite toppings on pizza?

Everything! It takes me forever to order takeout. As long as there’s Jalapeños I’m good.

If you were the original designer of one existing corporate logo, which one would you select?

The World Wildlife Federation. An instantly recognisable logo for an amazing cause and who doesn’t love a Panda?

Complete this sentence:  Where I can seek my solace is… 

Within. I’m a Mindfulness Coach and the ability to find that stillness inside, that sense of inner peace when everything is in turmoil is invaluable.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

My super-dooper friend Natalie who has been an amazing support during a tough week. This week I am looking forward to seeing Hazel O’ Connor perform Breaking Glass acoustically, in celebration of the 35th anniversary of the movie, although that does make me feel rather old…