About me

Louise Jensen has sold over a million English language copies of her International No. 1 psychological thrillers ‘The Sister’, ‘The Gift’, ‘The Surrogate’, ‘The Date’, ‘The Family’, ‘The Stolen Sisters’ & ‘All For You’. Her novels have also been translated into twenty-five languages, as well as featuring on the USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestseller’s List.

Louise has been nominated for multiple awards, including the Goodreads Debut Author of 2016, The Guardian’s ‘Not The Booker’ Prize 2018, best Polish thriller and 2 CWA Dagger Awards. Several of her books have been selected for Fern Britton’s bookclub. Her novels have been optioned for TV and film.

Many of Louise’s short stories have been published in newspapers and magazines including Hello Magazine, The Sun, My Weekly and Best.

Louise also has a penchant for exploring the intricacies of relationships through writing heart-breaking, high-concept love stories under the pen name Amelia Henley. ‘The Life We Almost Had’ and ‘The Art of Loving You’ were both International Best Sellers. ‘From Now On’ publishes Autumn 2022.

Louise lives with her husband, children, madcap dog and a rather naughty cat in Northamptonshire. She loves to hear from readers and writers.

97 thoughts on “About me

  1. I understand how you feel. Putting your writing out there for the first time is indeed a scary experience. But I know you won’t regret it. I think you’ll find the community of writers online is very supportive. So go for it.

  2. Congratulations on taking the proverbial bull by the horns! The decision to put your work out there for others to read is the hard part. It only gets easier from here. 🙂 Again, I look forward to reading your fiction. I’m sure Mr. Townsend would be proud. 😀

  3. Fab,
    I’m not familiar with Enid Blyton’s works. I’m an American, if that means anything. 🙂
    But, hey! Come join us at Friday Fictioneers! We have talented writers who are very helpful and will get you through. The Blog Queen, Rochelle, is a friend and cousin of mine and she’s AWESOME. You’ll find your writing will be greatly improved and more consistent. There is a bit of an addiction to it … GIVE IN!
    Also, we ARE a bit crazy, please do bear that in mind. 😀
    Anyway, you seem to be quite the Positive Polly instead of the Negative Nancy. This is good .. BETTER than good. We can get you going. Any questions, contact Rochelle or me.


  4. Ahhh, Enid Blyton. My absolutely favourite author when I was a child. The Famous Five, The Adventure series, The Mystery of series. George was my hero and I just loved Jack, Lucy, Dinah, Philip and Kiki the parrot. Thank you for deciding to follow my blog, Louise, I hope you won’t be disappointed 🙂

  5. I’m so glad your nervously sweaty fingers didn’t slip off the publish button. From the story I just read, well… you may be Enid yet!

    I don’t know Enid, but the Adventure Series rings a bell… is that the one about four English kids who get in all kinds of mysteries? I read them as a kid 60 years ago and loved them. I have to google her and see. You may have solved a big mystery for me, as I have been trying to figure out what those books were to tell my granddaughter.

    Nice to meet you.

  6. For me, it was Enid’s Tales of Toyland, Tuppeny Feefo and Jinks, and Six Cousins at Mistletoe Farm (all read by the light of my little yellow torch!)

    Well done for leaping in! Enjoy and be fearless!

  7. Pingback: Very Inspiring Blogger Award from Mrs. Cindy of A Slice of Life | ronovanwrites

      • Take your time. I know you have so much to do. I tried to pick 15 in the past all the time, but now I really dig deep and search for those that really count to me. Even if it is only 5.
        Much Respect
        I love your profile picture. It looks so fun. It makes people happy.

  8. I loved Enid Blyton as a child, and still do despite not really reading her anymore. I still have all my books of her’s, especially since they were my mother’s first and I’m hoping to pass them onto my own children when/if I have any.
    [I’m avoiding any ‘modernized’ versions like the plague.]
    Best of luck with your writing!

  9. You go, girl! I love your courage. Write! I always say I will and then I don’t, but I’m not giving up on myself. I’m off to see your professional blog. Again, thanks for stopping by. You got my attention. 🙂

  10. Just wanted to let you know I’ve nominated you for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award. You can find the details on my latest post. 🙂

  11. Thanks for visiting my blog. Your ‘like’ was two weeks ago and it’s taking me this long to return the visit … what can I say, it’s been a busy month (again). I’ve enjoyed reading your short fiction – you have a definite talent there.

  12. Maybe it’s more about not letting your fears control you rather than being fearless. Fear is a normal human emotion. When it cripples us from doing what we so desperately wish to do with our lives, it has overtaken our drive for living. It may be quite possible that we will always have to deal with various forms of fear, but taking action in spite of it is what makes us powerful. If we try to live up to the name of being fearless, we may be trying to attain a goal that is rather inhumane. However, this is not to say that you can’t overcome your fears just that fears may always find their way back to us. It’s about responding instead of reacting to it, I got that inspiration from life coach Jacob Sokol. His website is a great source of inspiration- http://www.sensophy.com

  13. Pingback: One Lovely Blog Community | This Thing Called Life One Word at a Time

  14. This is an admirable post. Your story is amazing and you look and sound so beautiful! Best of luck with everything…keep writing like this and you will have more than a few people interested. I totally agree the community here rocks!! 🙂 Peace

  15. Hi, thank you for the follow. I am a big Enid Blyton fan too and reading under the covers by torchlight is something I did as well. I’ve been enjoying your fiction and am now following you too. Sophie

  16. Welcome to the world of blogging and writing. A daunting world and not for the faint of heart, but oh so exciting. I love the name of your blog and it says everything. Thank you for stopping by the Cow Pasture. I’m so happy you liked it well enough to jump the fence, welcome. I look forward to many conversations in the near future.

  17. Greetings. Thanks for stopping by my blog and “liking” a few of my missives. Above you mention “the writing community”. So far, I’m encountering a lot of individual bloggers/writers, but they don’t seem to form a unified community. Am I missing something? Thanks.

  18. A very life affirming story to hear that you finally achieved your childhood dream despite the obstacles you faced. Best of luck with the books. 🙂

  19. I had a smile on my face the entire time I was reading this. CONGRATULATIONS … on all aspects. You joy radiates through the computer screen. It’s a well deserved success. Your writing is captivating. There hasn’t been anything I haven’t enjoyed. I’m so pleased I was able to be introduced to your writing through Friday Fictioneers.
    Isadora 😎

  20. I’ve just started following you and I must say I’m impressed. Keep up the good work and please check my blog when you have a moment, I’ve just started writing.

Thanks so much for reading!