Flash Fiction – The Secret (Part II)



Rage pours off my pen and spews onto the page, as I think of last night. The congratulations bestowed upon my little sister. They thought her so pure, so deserving as they toasted her success. I knew better.

Twenty years ago I watched as she buried her stillborn daughter, the result of an unknown teenage pregnancy.

I vowed never to tell, but as I sit in my flea ridden bedsit I think why shouldn’t I share her good fortune? She can afford to buy my silence.

I slip the letter under her door, go home and wait for my ship to come in.


If you want to know the reaction to the letter, read The Secret (Part I).

Written for Friday Fictioneers. A 100 word story inspired by a photo prompt. Read the other entries here

48 thoughts on “Flash Fiction – The Secret (Part II)

  1. Pingback: Flash Fiction – The Secret | fabricating fiction

  2. Dear Louise,

    A perfect bookend to your first story. The ship will sink, the light will go out and all will be left in darkness. Really good storytelling this week.



  3. You made me think of a girl I knew in school they sent away to have her baby her parents made her give up. I was just a kid next to her, but my heart broke. Imagine living with that. Your girl’s baby was stillborn, but loss is loss. Very thoughtful piece.

  4. Oh, such bitterness! It’s been brewing for twenty years. I love how you’ve built the feelings of this older sister, and her final decision at the end is a masterful stroke.

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